Auralite 23


Auralite 23 Natural Wand, Connect to Higher Self and Guardian Angels


This listing is for a large unterminated wand filled with gorgeous colors & patterns. @ 6 inches long and 170 gm.

Auralite-23 crystal gemstone is the most powerful crystal on the planet with the highest vibration and holding the energies of 23 different earth elements and minerals all in one, including titanite, cacoxenite, lepidocrocite, ajoite, hematite, magnetite, pyrite, pyrolusite, gold, silver, platinum, nickel, copper, iron, limonite, sphalerite, covellite, chalcoppyrite, gialite, epidote, bornite, rutile, and smoky quartz in amethyst. Its like having 23 crystals in one, a powerful crystal ally and spiritual healing tool. Each Auralite 23 has at least 4 to 17 of these minerals in each piece.

Auralite-23 comes from only one crystal gem mine in the world, and that is the mine located in the Boreal Forest north of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, also called the "Cave of Wonders". Auralite-23 crystals have been scientifically proven as the worlds oldest crystal gemstone which developed more than 1.5 billion years ago while the first signs of life appeared on Earth. Each crystal reflects its own journey frozen in time.

* intuition, Astral Travel
* self confidence to not settle for less
* healing energy for empaths
* balancing energy for Indigos
* awakening power for Light workers,
* connection to home for Starseeds as a meteor landed on this spot and the minerals soaked into the crystal
* help connect to Angelic Realm and Spirit Guides
* aids intuitive abilities
* brings ancient knowledge
* helps bring abundance
* restores energy, boosts metabolism, pain relief, muscle relaxant, reduces inflammation, heals at cellular level

Because of the sheer amount of elements and minerals found in the crystal, it is like a bridge to the divine, helping you to connect easier with your guides and Angels, and also bringing a calmness to your life, that you never felt possible before. It will also teach you the best things about yourself, and also show you where you may be going wrong.

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